This is the thirteenth edition of the Carried Interest and Compensation Survey. This year we had exactly 314 funds participate. The survey’s compensation data is comprised of salary, bonus and carried interest paid over the prior 12-month period. The survey was conducted from September 14 to October 20, 2020.
This year’s survey results total 90 pages of graphs and data. We break down the allocation of carry by fund size, and segment the results by five different position classes – Partners, Top Professionals, Middle Professionals, Entry Professionals and Administrative Staff.
The survey also shows salary, bonus and carry compensation by fund size among 11 different partner/employee classes. This year’s survey also provides 5-year averages (2016 to 2020) for compensation for all of the partner/employee classes.
We also present data on the average staffing of private equity firms. These results are organized by function.