Investment Bank Dahlman Rose & Company Acquired by Cowen Group

Investment Bank Dahlman Rose & Company Acquired by Cowen Group

Investment Banks Dahlman Rose & Company and Cowen Group have signed an agreement under which Cowen will acquire Dahlman Rose.  The transaction is expected to close by the end of the first quarter of 2013.

Dahlman Rose & Co. is a research-driven investment bank focused on the energy, metals and mining, transportation, chemicals and agriculture sectors.  Dahlman Rose provides institutional sales and trading, equity research, mergers and acquisitions advisory, and underwriting services. The firm has offices in New York, Boston and San Francisco (

“Dahlman Rose’s expertise in energy, transportation, metals and mining, chemicals and agriculture is a strong complement to Cowen core sectors of health care, technology, media, telecommunications, consumer, aerospace and defense/industrials and REITs. Dahlman Rose and its customers will benefit from the added breadth of Cowen’s product offerings and the strength and stability of their platform,” said Robert Meier, CEO of Dahlman Rose.

Cowen Group is a financial services firm that provides alternative investment, investment banking, research, and sales and trading services.  Founded in 1918, the firm is headquartered in New York and has offices located in major financial centers around the world (

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