This is the seventeenth edition of the Carried Interest and Compensation Survey, which began in 2008. As a well-regarded resource in the private equity industry, this survey provides in-depth compensation insights and trends that support firms in benchmarking against industry standards. This year, 314 funds participated—302 from the United States, 5 from Canada, and the remainder from Europe, Australia, and Asia. The survey’s compensation data includes salary, bonus, and carried interest paid over the previous 12-month period. Conducted from September 18 to October 24, 2024, this year’s final report spans 95 pages of graphs and data.
The survey highlights trends in salary, bonus, and carry compensation by fund size across 11 distinct partner/employee classes. It also provides 5-year averages (2020 to 2024) for compensation across all partner/employee classes. Additionally, the survey details the allocation of carry by fund size and segments the results by five position categories: Partners, Top Professionals, Middle Professionals, Entry Professionals, and Administrative Staff.
This year’s survey also includes insights into how private equity firms managed remote work during the pandemic, incorporating data from 2021 through 2024. The survey’s data suggest that remote work may be decreasing productivity. Although five days in the office may be a thing of the past, the trendline indicates it could potentially return. The report also presents data on the average staffing levels of private equity firms, organized by function.