Patriot Capital has provided subordinated debt to Aztec/Shaffer, a party and event equipment rental company, to support the July 2015 acquisition of the company by Milestone Venture Group from Todd Johnson who has owned the company since 1995.
Aztec/Shaffer operates through two divisions – Aztec Events & Tents (AET) and Shaffer Sports & Events (SSE). AET – based in Houston – supplies event rental items (everything from tents to flatware) to corporate and private clients in the greater Houston area ( SSE – based in Birmingham, AL – provides rental equipment such as temporary structures, seating and interior furnishings to PGA Tour and Champions Tour events under an exclusive contract (
Patriot Capital invests senior and subordinated debt and equity in small and medium-sized privately-held companies that have annual revenues of $10 million to $200 million. Investment sizes range from $3 million to $20 million. Patriot Capital has offices in Baltimore, Chicago and Dallas ( Managing directors Patrick Hamner and Dan Yardley led the transaction for Patriot Capital.
Milestone Venture Group invests from $5 million to $30 million of equity in companies that have enterprise valuations from $20 million to $100 million. The firm was founded in 1997 by its Managing Director Kelly Williams and is headquartered in Houston (
Latek Capital – an investment bank that specializes on transactions in the equipment rental industry – advised Aztec/Shaffer. Latek Capital is based north of Chicago in Lake Forest, IL (
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