LaSalle Capital Group Has Final Close on Fund 2

LaSalle Capital Group Has Final Close on Fund 2

LaSalle Capital Group held a final closing on its second fund with $205 million in commitments, substantially exceeding its initial target of $150 million. Fund II commitments include significant institutional investments from pension funds, foundations, financial institutions and investment managers.

LaSalle Capital Group operated as a fund-less sponsor from 1984-2004, making over thirty equity investments. In 2004 the firm raised its first fund with $125 million in capital commitments. LaSalle is currently managing two committed funds totaling over $330 million in capital raised from financial institutions and high net worth individuals.

Fund II will continue to pursue the same strategy as Fund I. The firm seeks to make control investments in companies with revenues of $10 million to $100 million that have EBITDAs of at least $2 million. Typical enterprise valuations will be from $5 million to $50 million. Sectors of interest include food & beverage, outsourced business services and value-added distribution/manufacturing.

LaSalle Capital Group is based in Chicago, IL (

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